Friday, July 23, 2010

Rockin Thursday

Yesterday may have been the best Thrusday of my life.
I wasn't planning on doing anything fun. But that all changed. Just for the record, being spontaneous is rewarding.
First of all, Stuart, Sash and I went to visit the Other Agles (as we like to call them). My cousins. I played outside for a while just chasing, tickling, raspberry-ing, and carrying two little peaches. These delicous little munchkins like to be called Sophie and JP. And they are too fun. I want to go back and play with them everyday.

Then, after that little bit o' heaven, I went bowling with Sash, Stuart and Curtis. Actually, I didn't really bowl. I tried and I didn't succeed but everyone else bowled. And well. I'm thinking we should form a team. Because it was fun. And that is all that matters.

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