Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Tonight, I went to a presentation given by the Leading Expert in Home Fragrance: Harry "The Nose" Slatkin. AMAZING.

Here are the highlights:
Harry started on Wall Street and then transitioned into the Fashion Industry=GUTS.
He encourages one to be clever and whitty (just like him).
EVERYTHING is in New York.
Oprah Factor: Treat everyone as your equal.
Key to sucess: "Everything I do, I love."
I want to attend a Scent Opera.
If something feels comfortable, tap into it and find out if it is your gift.
Most important rule in Buisness: Business Sense, Business Sense, Business Sense.
Know more than the obvious.
You are who you associate with.
HAVE PASSION. If you have passion it will come through even if you are talking on the phone.
Best part of life: Not knowing what the future holds.
All knowledge is good knowledge.
Ask questions in life.
"Too much icing, not enough cake."
Harry "The Nose" Slatkin really does have an amazing nose.
(And by the way, Martha Stewart came over to his home to have dinner on Thursday. And Elton John swears by him. And Oprah is a good friend. And the editors of Allure Magazing and Harper's Bazaar are his best friends. And he single-handedly changed the Home Fragrance Industry. Just saying...)

Basically, Harry is my hero in business and one day, my home will smell like his.

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